Rates and Policies
Registration Fee
$60 / Family Max $120
Assessment Only (No Tutoring) $225
Additional Subject Assessments $50 each
School Year Tutoring Rates 24-25
Individual Lessons
TUITION PAYMENT: ELA will create an auto-draft to be drafted on the 1st of the month using any credit card, debit card, or a checking/savings account. When the 1st is on a Saturday, they will be processed on the preceding Friday. When the 1st is on a Sunday, they will be processed on the following Monday. All card payments include an additional industry-standard 3% fee. The first month of tuition may be prorated based on when tutoring begins.
HOLIDAYS AND BREAKS: Monthly tuition is based on the number of lessons scheduled per week at the start of the month. Rates are based on an average of four weeks per month to keep our tuition streamlined. Class cancellations will NOT alter the monthly tuition rate even when considering holidays, standard school breaks, and inclement weather.
CANCELLATIONS AND MAKE-UP LESSONS: What if we miss a lesson? Consistency is a crucial determinant of your student's success. However, we know about life, sick kids, or days when our brain is not in a good space.
Each student is allotted a specific amount of make-up lessons.
Mark student absences in the Parent Portal as soon as you know they will miss!
Once a weekly slot is reserved for you, we hold this spot and cannot fill it with another student. We staff according to reserved lessons. Even if you give advance notice before missing a lesson, our teachers still have their time earmarked for you.
Sick kid? No problem! Stay home. That’s why we have make-ups. Make up lessons can be scheduled by the parent on our Parent Portal!
If at any point during a lesson your child is too sick to continue, ELA will call you to pick up your child. The student will wait in a separate space until you arrive. Thank you for attending to our desire to keep our staff and students healthy and able to focus.
Make-up lessons will automatically be granted to your account if your student’s lesson falls on a school closure such as MLK Day, Labor Day, or closure due to inclement weather (hello, tornado season!)
Availability for make-up lessons is limited. Your child may be paired with a different tutor than their usual instructor.
Lessons expire at the end of each semester or upon withdrawal from tutoring. They will not carry-over to subsequent semesters or re-enrollment.
Lessons are specific to each student and are non-transferrable, even to siblings.
Monthly Subscription | 1 Lesson Per Week | 2 Lessons Per Week | 3 Lessons Per Week | 4 Lessons Per Week |
Semester Sessions | 2 Make-up Lessons | 3 Make-up Lessons | 4 Make-up Lessons | 5 Make-up Lessons |
Summer Sessions | 2 Make-up Lessons | 3 Make-up Lessons | 4 Make-up Lessons | 5 Make-up Lessons |
Sibling Discount - 10%
Make this a family affair! We are happy to provide a 10% discount for the tuition amount for each ADDITIONAL child enrolled under the same family. Does not apply to child #1.
Multi-Family Billing Policy
ELA will only provide one invoice per child and cannot allocate portions to be paid in multiple arrangements, by different parties. Please plan accordingly.
EPIC Learning Funds
We are an approved vendor for EPIC Charter Schools! Please use promo code EPIC when prompted in the checkout process in the parent portal. Please note, we require a backup payment method to be held in the instance that the learning fund is depleted.
**ELA must be notified via the “End of Tutoring Form” located on our website under “Current Students” 2 weeks in advance to stop recurring billing**